The human Belvedere vodka bottle is in talks with CBS for a late-night spot

David Letterman barely announced he is retiring and launches its "Benefiber-Tinis slurp when reading Readers Digest" phase of life next year and 1 million names have already was burped as his possible successor. Each ho is on this list, including Tina Fey, Ellen DeGeneres, Jimmy Kimmel, Conan O'Brien, Jon Stewart and much too long the chatty ass weed dealer who will remain in your apartment after he makes a delivery. Craig Ferguson is not even apparently in the mix and CBS it must pay at least $ 8 million , if they the job offered him, because he has a right of first refusal. Six seconds after Letterman said he announces the bitch Nikki Finke claimed that Stephen Colbert the only on-air-ho, CBS is considering, to the Late Show in 2015 to guest. But The Wrap according to CBS with Chelsea Handler ass flirts.

The wrap website source says that around the same time, that Chelsea let it be known that she's leaving E! in 9 months, CBS asked her whether she was the possibility of hosting a syndicated talk show. Chelsea queefed on the idea, but CBS came to her and asked her if she was in the way of David's site. Chelsea-Culo, the lips well made and show gig is now always the late their highest priority. Well, technically your priority # 2 is as it is their highest priority to make sure, is that your body is always 75% vodka. The wrap put it as follows:

You meet in the next few weeks continue discussions with CBS Corp. of Chairman and CEO Les Moonves or joining CBS late-night lineup, the individual said. But the Letterman retirement announcement on Thursday has changed the landscape for them. Handler now has held her eye of Letterman's "Late show" on the spot. Either time slot would the first woman, a late-night broadcast show to host, as Cynthia Garrett NBC hosted "Later" from 2000 to 2001.

When Chelsea comes to the meeting with Les Moonves, she should not be surprised if it finds that Julie Chen at his crotch. The only trick that allowed to fuck after a job, Thankyouverymuch Les Moonves is the Chenbot!

I don't know, why we talk about is not Ho Letterman for a fucking year retirement about Zevon replacement and also, we know anyone who does get the job:

Screen Shot 2014-04-05 at 1.53.25 PM

I'm calling it now.

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